Svosva is an embodiment of culture and power. For the seats at the table campaign we discover power. Power pertains to the ideology of an infinite number of seats at the table. With this campaign, we wanted to explore this ideology in the form of fashion and film. 
We believe that there is so much room at the top for us all to win in everything that we do. A lot of the time, we are raised to think that we are in competition with everyone and to keep our cards close to our chest. This is typically because we feel like there is not enough space and someone else has to lose in order for you to win.
When we think of the top, we picture a large banquet table with seats that never get filled because there is an infinite number to be filled. If you are sat there alone, it will get lonely and why would you want to sit at an empty table when there is so much more you can gain in unity. 
There is power in unity and we invite everyone to sit at the table.   

Contemporary Fashion House. Designed and Made in Italy & London.